![Bloomfield - vehicle camera](https://kuk.kubota-eu.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Bloomfield-vehicle-camera.jpg)
The Kubota Corporation has invested in Bloomfield Robotics Inc, a US startup company that uses image analysis technology and AI to assess plant growth and detect pests on grape, blueberry and other tree crops.
Bloomfield Robotics uses speclilised proprietary cameras to capture images of tree crops and AI to process the data before proposing optimal farming methods.
The Bloomfield cameras can be mounted on any vehicle used on farm to collect image data such as the colour, maturity, size of fruits and leaves. AI processes, analyses and assesses such image data to recommend anti-pest measures and the optimal time to harvest crops.
Short-term performance assessment from the data collection enables growers take timely actions based on pest detection and yield estimation at an early stage, greatly helping to improve yields and reduce costs.
This latest investment continues Kubota’s programe of building alliances with AgTech startups and other companies for the purpose of delivering solutions to enhance the efficiency and productivity of tree crop farming.
It was made possible through collaboration with the THRIVE Accelerator Program, a startup accelerator program operated by the US venture capital company SVG Ventures, and as a joint investment with SVG Ventures.